Wednesday 9 November 2011

How to execute an idea by using willpower.

How to execute an idea by using willpower.

Faith is indeed the greatest miracle-working power imaginable.Faith never fails a person;we fail when we give up on our faith.If we cut any one of the five phases of our faith,we will disappointed with the ultimate results.
Idea is like a seed.If a seed is not planted,it can't bear fruit.But planting is just first phase.Unless the seed is watered,it won't sprout.Sprouting is the second phase.Once the seed is planted and watered,growth will begin.But unless the plant is nourished,it will not reach full maturity.It will not blossom,Which is the third phase. Then when the buds are beginning to form,if proper climatic conditions do not exist,the stalk will produce no fruit.There will be no ear on the corn.Bearing fruit is the fourth phase of the cycle.o\Only if each phase is properly nurtured can a seed reach full maturity.Finally,when the fruit is ripe,it must be harvested at the precisely correct time,or winds,rain, or over ripeness can cause it drop to the ground,where it will rot.Even as there are five phases to fruit-bearing,from planting to the seed to harvest there are five phases to full cycle of executing an idea.
The nesting phase
The first phase of faith is the nesting phase.that's when an idea drops the mind as an egg is deposited in the bird's nest.If the faith never gets beyond the nesting phase.The unhatched egg rests in the nest.The idea phases through the mind with out being taken seriously.Be careful in your ideas in the first phase to use your willpower to convert it usefully.
The testing phase
Faith's second phase is the testing phase.No person plunges recklessly and irresponsibly aheas with every idea that moves through his brain.Ideas must be tested by asking the questions that rise out of your own value system.Decision making is easy if there are no contradictions in your value system. A positive idea implies questions like.'Is this really necessary?" "Is it really a human need-filing idea?" "Can it be inspiring to others?" Answer these questions and go ahead with your idea.It is the second phase of the execution of an idea.
The investing phase.
The third phase of the faith is the investing phase,the point at which you make a public commitment.You commit time,money,energy,and-possibly the most valuable products of all-pride and prestige to the publicly announces project.Unfortunately many people let their faith die when they fa8l to put up the risk capital.this is the third phase of an execution of an idea be care full and go ahead with your willpower.
There will never be another now-you ave to make the most of today.There will never be another you-make most of yourself.
The arresting phase
The nesting,the testing,the investing phases almost variably lead to the fourth phase.You've started.You've made the commitment.You've put your name on line .You've started your problems attack you.Troubles block you.De fear seems certain.You begin to think you've bitten off more than you can hew.You wonder if you've made a terrible mistake with your investment.The arresting phase is the test for Your willpower and your ability .Believe in Your ability and go through all the means to end .It will give you the ultimate result.Don't think about the result think about the means and do the right things for it the result ahead come itself.
The cresting phase
Yes,the crowning phase of the faith is the cresting phase.The mountaintop is scaled!success finally is achieved!
Now -Believe and you will achieve

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